Thursday, January 1, 2009

Welcome to a Beautiful new year! For the intelligent, the humourous, the musical, the whimsical in All of us

Hello, and Welcome to 2009!

I've long expected this to be a good year, actually ever since 2008 began. But, no matter! 2009 is a time for romance, adventure, and culture, as evidenced by the activities of my day. For your enjoyment and enlightenment, I give you:

Presidential hopeful for the year 2020, who plans great things for us all

Music I like coupled with the reason I'm going to rent a particular trilogy...

Unconventional (and sometimes shiny) exercise

Chechnya; conflict for centuries. I encourage you to look up other sources on it, as well

Creations from the artistic mind of a friend of mine. Tongue twisters found elsewhere

Fantasy-based comic. Dig into the archives to start at the beginning!

NASA's International Year of Astronomy is upon us

The Song on which my Film is based, progress of which I shall update throughout the year

Certainly Something listed ignites your passion?

Buona Notte e la Buona Fortuna!*

* I have never studied Italian. Please take no offense if I inadvertently mangled your preferred language.


Whitney Josephine said...

Wheee, thanks for the pimpage!

Mia said...

Those who deserve it, my dear. ;)