Sunday, October 11, 2009

Animated guitar-bass-harp

Amazing.... this instrument is something beautiful, out of imaginations galoreee

and this post, inelegant, is mostly to remind myself of it!

Friday, October 9, 2009

And I should -not- be an art teacher because?

There is absolutely no way to capture the beauty and reality of a physical three-dimensional form if drawing from a photograph. You can draw every shadow and crease and yet if you never saw the object in that exact spot, at that time, position, with that lighting, you will fail to accurately represent its true being.

Just a thought

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Goatman Hollow

So, once again it is OCTOBER. the most wonderful time of the year.


is the haunted house I 'haunt' every Friday and Saturday night. I know only 3 people read this, but if each of those 3 brings their roommates, best friends, and significant other to squeeze the hand/butt of through the haunt, you'll totally make it worth my while posting this entry! <3> ONLY USING INTERNET EXPLORER

I don't know why. T3kn0L0-g f41L

EDIT: All fixed URL!!!