Saturday, September 26, 2009

that'd kill it for me

This evening I realized that if in some forgotten fantasy world, if my favorite band's lead singer (who is viciously attractive and voiced like a god) were to ask me to sleep with him, I'd make him promise he's not an asshole because NOTHING in the world must tarnish that band's music for me.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

"Business as Usual"

Whenever you'd ask Nick what's up, his frequent reply "Business as usual," meant nothing was out of place. Nick's a friend of mine who passed away this past Saturday. He was on life support. It was an accident. We love him very much, me and the Tribe. He put together the Tribe, a collection of musicians and other cool people, and kept in touch with them even when they became reclusive, or went on ego-trips, or jetted off to see the world.

And in death he hasn't left us. No one has to tell me that, but it helps to hear it. He's so here with us, every moment, but leaving him behind physically is weird. I have been mentally giving him hugs every day, so I can keep remembering what his hugs feel like.
When Jess fixes up Nick's motorbike, I'm buying it. So I can ride it around like we did that first day he brought it over to show me and let me drive it and then take me around.

"Business as usual" could sound as if nothing changes- but that was never what it meant. I'd like to think it could mean that. And yet, how boring would that be! Business as usual is coming to light now. It means things change and we roll with them. As said in 'the Crow' which nick introduced me to and is the most romantic movie Ever,

"Buildings burn. people die. but real love lasts forever."

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Mousey Worth

a Dead mouse had settled into his paper nest amidst lamps, mummified before we found him by opening the box. It's a sort of sweet odor; dead mouse.

Friday, September 11, 2009


On this day, 5 years ago I was already thinking of you.
For a month I'd been. 5 years counting, true.
Rain days in our southern forest, smoke hued sunlight, one umbrella hun,
these days will always remind me of you, what I wanted to do,
Now they remind that every time we speak
New hate rolls off your lips like honey acid in my ear,
I'd be deaf if I could listen but instead I hear:

"days go by and still I think of you. days when I could have lived my life"
I think of you on days that end, and don't end in any particular way.
I think of you as I share my food, a butter, a bread, a bubble, a seed.
You're in every song and film I've ever seen
And in the cologne of men who read
and in all the eyes of sad strangers, your legs walk away and you're in the dancers,
your laugh scoffs the architecture of other cancers.... "days go by" but I don't feel them leave.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

'The Red Violin' ou, le Violon Rouge, o il Violino Rosso

What a glorious tragedy.

Of the magnitude of Amelie, but in a darker direction. Whereas that one was a romance, a comedy, 'le Violon Rouge' c'est un histoire de maladie et mort. With all the charming misery of 'Pan's Labyrinth' and musicality of an orchestral documentary, this is a film not to be missed. Presuming you missed it already, rent it at once. Suspenseful and historically accurate, it is a period piece from the 17th century to the 21st.

"When there is good acting, no one must notice the costumes. When there is bad acting, the costumes get all the glory."

They may as well have acted in the nude.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Gabriel, LE

I named my car. Gabriel[le]
Cars are non-gendered beings. Unless you count their gas tanks, input centres?
Unless you count their ability to penetrate walls upon impact?
Cars get names when they become important, impacts on our lives.
Is that why some people believe children begin life at conception and others believe life begins at birth? Or is that why some people give their child a name as soon as it makes its presence known?
When does something become important to you?
When do you give it a name?
When do you form an attachment?
I've been the main driver of my car for 9 months.

Baby Gaby? <3

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Help me choose, please!!!

Please assist me in choosing:

Sparks fyre

Sparks dance

Sparks fly



Kokopellie Sparks

PLEASE VOTE/comment. I need to pick two of these to use as modeling names for a website. Because it's important that I be unique and memorable, I think its preferable that i keep the 'Sparks'.... or at least, two names that obviously relate to each other. like, kokopellie and kokopellie sparks.

I use the name 'sparks' as something i go by already. that's why I want to keep it.