Friday, February 27, 2009

Everyone Needs to Be Heard, You Are Loved

Tonight a close friend reminded me of what a dear friend told me once,
"Mia, regardless of any and all things, you are loved."
He reminded me with things he said, things he did, and I remembered the part of the dream I was supposed to remember.

Thank you.

Personal Time Capsules

I got film developed.... Enjoy a few photos I took in June and August 08

And a few of me, perhaps?

I like how none of these show my face.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Dream a Little Gold-Lettered Dream for You

Well good day loyal followers!

I've dreamt odd things lately. Last night, I dreamt I was sharing the song 'DVNO' with someone, adamantly. Saying over and over again the beginning of the chorus ".....printed in gold." Isn't it funny how listening to a song twice ever can imprint it on your subconscious?

Anyway, this song is AWESOME.

DVNO,....printed in gold, cause details make the girls sweat.

(link is on the dots. also: MARDI GRAS, enjoy)

Monday, February 23, 2009

What's in a Name?

A rose by any other would smell as sweet.....

What about when people malign others', without giving them a chance to defend themselves?
Communication is said to be an art. I disagree.
Say what you need to say, in the gentlest way possible. Ask what you desire to ask in the most straightforward way, and then understand if it takes a while to receive an answer.
There are things I need to tell people, kindly, looking into their eyes.

I'm going to start. Before I die.


Friday, February 20, 2009

"Sit Back, Relax, and Rot Away...... with rottingfleshradio"

The horror and haunt industry's podcast. This week's show is Quite entertaining, given that it was Friday the 13th and Valentine's. check it out, this radio broadcast is like NONE you've ever heard before.


Apparently I wanted this car when I was 17. The Honda Insight.

I *wanted* the Mustang 64 1/2 much more... but knew it wasn't totally practical.

I really like this one, currently:

And of course, I've always wanted one of these, especially Now!

Crazy Cat-Lady Pride

Tonight I heard a story, told in a diner. Diner stories are in a class all their own. The story begins as such,

"It was probably a good thing we couldn't afford the 6 foot by 6 foot glass fresnel lens. You see, my roommates and I wanted this one. The description said it could burn through asphalt. We were planning to write our names in the pavement with it. Can you IMAGINE what this thing could burn through with the sun shining on it?"

This was my cue.
"You'd have to be careful. If a cat saw the beam of light, it might be like 'oooh, a nice patch of sun,' run over to lay in it, and..... *(insert flammability onomatopoeia here)*"

"You have a 6'x6' glass lens and the first thing she thinks of is a cat."

I am crazy cat lady. It's just true. And I'm proud.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Totally odd dream last night.

I was having trouble with a house i was in. mess or something, new people moving in, relatives coming over. something. and then...

The Cool Part

I went into a 'space station' and this thing was like a
12ft tall nylon tent with a lever in it like for the
plasma cutter (the yellow lever which goes up when not
on, to the side when on, something) and another button
which BLASTS OFF INTO SPACE. I was in it ALONE and
deciding I would blast off because I'd never done it and
it would be fun. I realized, however, that I'd be ALL
ALONE with no experts and the only method of landing was
CRASHING into the ocean. I was extremely frightened of
this because I knew that in just a tent the impact would
kill me.
Of course I'd already set all the levers to blast off but
not the button.... and wasn't sure if I'd saved myself... I had risen a bit above Earth, enough for things to look 'representational' instead of real.
this 'bayou' i crashed down in (chose to crash in, that is) was shaped
like a square-spiral.... goes inward from an outward
point but with sharp edges and four sides.
my Dad was a farmer of the bayou! Haha. He was tilling land
by hand. I crashed into this weird teal blue yet brown
water and am fluttering around trying to get the 'space
station' to come up out of the water with me. I knew
they'd be Mad I stole their science machine and gotten it
wet, no less... I had to dry it out and put it back.
Haha. So as I'm climbing out of the water Dad shouts some
advice which freaks me out. He says 'look out for the pussywillows!'

I immediately think of fanged fish. I jump a bit.

I ask "Which kind [is in the water]?"

He says "One is the kind you trim. Another is the kind I clip. A third are the ones with teeth."

It struck me as a multi-tiered riddle. I thought 'I can answer this.'
I thought of the type I trim might be the bush with the soft flowers people put on their mantlepiece, in vases. The type Dad would clip might be if a cat gets stuck in a tree, a weeping willow tree. The type with teeth is a catfish. So I said,
"But which one is in the water?" Cuz I didn't want to get bitten.

He said, "I think it's the first kind I said."
I was unassured, given that I didn't know if I solved the riddle.......

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Notable of the Day

Thank you THANKYOU, Haute Macabre..... currently my favorite website for style.

Also, this gorgeous dress and style

Monday, February 9, 2009

Web Comics -artful and humorous

In the Style of one of 'These Gentlemen'.....

A Softer World
written by: Emily Horne and Joey Comeau

What It's About: A series of over 400 dark-humoured non-sequiturs by a creative duo. Comics are captioned by joey, photographs taken and designed by emily.
Why You Should Read It: Laughability. The interplay between the lucid and lovely photographs and witty captions is utterly unexpected. Several of the strips had me laughing out loud.
Strip Which Reminded Me Most of These Gentlemen:

Dominic Deegan
Written by: Michael Terracciano

What It's About: A sarcastic Oracle whom through various adventures and disasters finds love and heroism. Fantasy elements run high and the narrative is clear.
Why you Should Read it: Don't be put off by the first chapter; the storyline introduced in the 2nd is amuzing enough to hold even a seasoned comic-reader's interest. The jokes, if somewhat stale for the first few pages, do improve dramatically as the strip goes on.
One of the early ones, yet a good one:

Saturday, February 7, 2009

Mon Bon Couteau

I meant to post this weeks ago as part of the 'Art on the Darkside' evil eye challenge. Argh. So much for being on time.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Desires Include

Vintage burlesque camisole
This fucking necklace
A brooch... purple, heartdiamond, roses, or big E orrrrr I could wait.... none of them are The best.
gears: tiny, assorted, in watches,
corset which someone else has reserved already
heart corset
but in black
future girlfriend?
her tights, boots, and corset
Cyberpunk, bidding on

And a song lyric quote for the day "Did you think that I would cryyyy on the phone/ Do you know what it feels liiiiiike to be alone?"
I found a cd one of my highschool best friends made for me, and that song was on there. Memories came back, I rocked out in a parking lot alone.
Alone is perfect for it.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Clavicles, Art and Fashionwise

While searching for these for my current casting project, I ran across a little bit o' this, and a lot more o' that:

Granted they're his '08 line, but I mostly only like his shoes.... I find his color palette atrocious, for the most part. The above skirt from 'city charm' is the grand exception. I find 'city charm' in general to be the most lookable-at collection from 2008. The 2009 stuff, especially 'glowing soiree' I'm going to have to return to, considering I have little time to gaze this morning, and that collection seems to be a vast improvement. Enjoy!

Oh, and I couldn't resist this charming creature!